Welcome to our website!   


This site was created to promote a science project which is being conducted by us, students from 12 ° C Fernão de Magalhães High School.

The theme of our project, and therefore, the issue that we address here is "Stirling engines - Utility and Efficiency."

Our group chose the theme outlined above because we believe that this school subject “project area” works mainly to simulate an environment and a context in the working world.

Furthermore, we are aware of the enormous difficulties that face our humanity. We feel it is necessary to promote new ways of energy, mostly alternative energy, and somehow this is our contribution to this necessary demand for a more profitable and efficient world.

This project will try to insert ourselves in a work context while we will try to show to our colleagues, school and all visitors to our website that a change of mindset is necessary to evolve ...

We  promise do anything to make this site scientifically correct, useful and enjoyable.

Hope you enjoy!